Saturday, January 4, 2020

The First Week...

is the hardest!

So, last weekend, I talked about all the goals I'm going to set and how amazing 2020 is going to be! (You can check that out [here] if you missed it.)

I showed you my vision board.

I shared some of my big goals.

And since then, I've modified some of the goals and actually considered some action steps to reach those goals.

My Vision Board (although I've updated it slightly in the last week)

I've been asked a few times about my vision board.
  • How did I set it up?
  • Is the stuff on it only related to my 2020 vision and goals?
  • How do I decide what should go on the vision board?
  • Several other questions...
To start, I had to really figure out my values. (First, give Hal Elrod's podcast a listen. Identifying your values is a crucial first step to figuring out your vision.)

My top 3 values are my health, my financial freedom, and the influence I have on others' lives.  Once I had those, I broke them down further to help me establish a vision for my life and a vision for 2020.

I'll start with health. Actually, it's getting late. I may only talk about my health goals tonight. 😂 The images on my vision board related to my health all pertain to these goals.

I have been working out every day for quite some time. I have no intention of setting a goal to workout. It's not a challenge, so it's not a goal. However, I do need to improve my physical health. I also intend to improve my mental, emotional, and spiritual healths while I'm at it. 

Some specific goals I've set for these areas include:

Physical Health
  • 👊🏼 Stick to my nutrition plan, eating foods that fuel my body properly.
  • 👊🏼 Eat and train to prep for the 2020 Beachbody Classic physique competition in July.
  • 👊🏼 Win the Most Improved Time award at the 2020 Gold Nugget Triathlon in May.
Mental Health 
  • 💥 Read 12 personal development books in 2020, and apply the principles to my life.
Spiritual Growth 
  • 👏🏻 Read at least 2 faith-based books.
  • 👏🏻 Attend 52 church services.
Emotional Health 
  • 💖 Practice daily habits that encourage self-love (positive affirmations, journaling, reading books like You Woke Up Worthy, etc.)
  • 💖 Encourage other women to practice self-love and self-care habits. (The best way to learn something is to model it for others!)
I realize looking at this list that it's kind of a lot for just one area of my life. The truth is, though, several of these goals have end dates long before December, so they will be removed once the time has passed. 

My health is important to me. It is in fact my highest value because without health, you can't enjoy any other parts of your life. My mental and physical health has been a priority for me for some time now. Adding spiritual growth and emotional health is new for me now, and I'm ready to embrace this part of my journey!

Do you have some health goals? Tell me about them!

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